Services "The Best Worldwide Corporation for The Best Worldwide Customers"

Coolant Management System (CMS) is a system where an efficient metal working fluid management program is extended to metal working industries. This is offered by a specialized team skilled in manufacturing of metal working fluids.

We believe that an extra effort can extend the life of metalworking fluids, reduce oily waste water volume, fluid concentrate, disposal cost, optimize fluid performance and also reduces exposure to health risks.

Our Coolant Management System is based on
  • Maintaining level in the coolant tank.
  • Maintaining of coolant concentration.
  • Maintaining of coolant pH.
  • Tramp oil removal
  • Sludge removal
  • Filter cleaning
  • Coolant tank cleaning
  • Trouble-shooting coolant problem
  • Data recording

Through coolant management system, YBI tries to benefit the environment by providing quality metal working products.